17 February, 2025

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IGNOU TEE June-2023 Exams started

1 June, 2023

 The Term End Examination for June, 2023 of Indira Gandhi National Open University started from 01st June, 2023 and will continue upto 7th July, 2023. The total no of 3164 students (19421 sittings) has registered at exam centres under RC Port Blair.  To facilitate smooth conduct of TEE in A & N Islands, the IGNOU decided to conduct exams at 9-locations, namely: JNRM,-Port Blair (Ph. Noo.03192-237078), ANCOL- 0213, (Ph.03192-227113) Rangat-0202 (03192-274205), (Hut Bay (03192-284300), Car Nicobar (Ph No. 03193-265037), Kamorta (03192-263225) Campbell Bay (Ph. No.03193-264307), Mayabunder (Ph. No. 03193-276462) and Diglipur-0214 (Ph.03192-211033). The exams will be conducted in two sessions i.e. Forenoon and afternoon, timings are: 10 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 5 PM respectively. The students are requested to download the Hall Tickets from the University website www.ignou.ac.in and advised to appear in the examination along with IGNOU student Identity Card.


The mobile phones and electronic gadgets are not permitted inside the examination halls.  For exam related queries, the learners are directed to use mail rcportblair@ignou.ac.in or call 03192-230111, 242888 for further information.