16 April, 2024

Regional Centre



 In the ongoing fight against the Novel Corona Pandemic, Indian Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). rcsearchers and individuals are coming out rvith several innovations to equip the nation to rvin this battle. Their efforts and contributions made through their research findings are trul1' commendable. Horvever. there is a need for a credible platfornr to collect- avail and rvidel-v disseminate such research resources and findings. Recently,. in a bid to fulfil this need. MHRD through thc National Digital Library of India or NDLI (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ and https://rvrvrv.ndl.gov.inl) developed and executed by IIT Kharagpur. has created a special collection called "Corona Outbreak: Study from Home" u'hich contains both academic and rescarch material to enablc students and facultl' to have continued access to content during the Pandemic Lockdorvn. In addition, MHRD and IIT Kharagpur havc also releascd a first of its kind Consolidated Covid-l9 Research Resources Repository rvhich can bc accessed through National Digital Library of India (https ://ndl.iitk gp. ac.iul). This repository is an initial collection of latest Scholarh'Publications, Pubhsher / Indexed Contents, Data Repositories. Documents, Videos. Joumals, Conferences and ldea Calls from the nation as u'ell as the rvorld. In addition, it also enables people to contribute their u'orks to this valuable repository through a Contribute button. In this regard. the Vice Chancellors of all Universitics and Principals of their affiliate d colleges are kindll' requested to share the details of thc Consolidated Covid-19 Research Resources Repository rvith their respective Students. Facult1,. Researchers. Imovators and Staf-f. through thcir Institutions mails, website and social media. Also, l'on ma\, cucorlragc the respective stakeholders to utilise these efforts and also contribute as much related r.vork/findings as possiblo and ltrther, help in rvider dissemination of this development to a larger cross section of researchers. All thc queries or suggestions rna\.be sent to Prof. Partha P Chakrabarti, National Coordinator NDLI at ppchakfJradm.iitkgp.ac.in or Mr Nanda Gopal Chattopadhl'a1', CTO NDLI at nandr?library.iitkgp.ac.inLooking fonvard to your active support and encouragement for participation in this national initiative. Copy of the UGC Letter